Becoming A Freemason Thank you for expressing an interest in Freemasonry by seeking out this information. To become a Freemason you must meet certain qualifications to be accepted by a Lodge.Freemasonry is proud of its philosophy and practice of “making good men better.” Only individuals believed to be of good character are favorably considered for membership. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age of their own free will and accord.There is a popular misconception that to become a Mason one needs to be invited to join. In fact, the reverse is true – a longstanding convention within Freemasonry is that it is the potential candidate who should do the asking! Some lodges have the phrase “2B1ASK1.” If you know a friend or neighbor who is a Mason and you are interested in Freemasonry, just ask him. He will be delighted to talk with you as all Masons are proud to be members of their own Lodge.Aurora Lodge has a broad range of members, with a wide range of interesting backgrounds, ethnicities, and professions.Aurora Lodge takes pride in the support mechanisms that have been established to ensure that every member makes the most of their Masonic career. This support begins before a man becomes a member of the Lodge. Prospective members are invited to social events, open days, and Warden’s nights. This gives them an opportunity to begin to have an understanding of Freemasonry, what it stands for, and the commitments that are expected. In addition, they will meet some of the Brethren informally to answer their questions.Then, if you wish to join, a background check will be done, and your name will be put before the review committee which will talk to you to ascertain your views and whether you believe in God or a Supreme Being (Atheism and Freemasonry are incompatible). The committee will report its recommendations back to the Lodge. A vote will be taken and, if found acceptable, you will be on your way to being a fully-fledged Mason and you will have joined the oldest fraternity in the world.Every applicant must advocate his belief in the existence of a Supreme Being.The mission of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds like-minded men into a worldwide Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social, and educational differences; by teaching the core principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: and, by the outward expression of these, through its fellowship, its compassion, and its concern, to find ways in which each may serve his God, his family, his country, his neighbors and himself.”For those who wish to find out more about Aurora Lodge or are interested in joining the Lodge – click the CONTACT US button below. CONTACT US Fitchburg Masonic Temple @ 2:30 ©️ 2019-2024